If you want to be good at anything, be good at love. Love is the only human endeavor that lasts. We were made to be good at love.
Success may look like control of circumstances, but love is success. Jesus dying on the cross was not an attempt to control His unpleasant circumstances created by the Romans and the religious leaders of His day. His death was a demonstration of the love He came to deliver.
Success may look like accumulation of money or power, but love is success. Jesus died penniless and nude on a cross. Even so, there was never a moment in human history where love was more clearly visible in a human life. His lack of money or human power was overshadowed by His love. He died powerfully clothed in love.
Success may look like living a long life and retiring well, but love is success. Jesus did not live long and His plan for retirement here was non-existent, His “early” death was perfectly timed love.
If you want to be good at anything, be good at love.
Bud McCord
Abide International