Monday, February 10, 2014


“…in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
Col. 2:3

Christianity is meant to be mysterious.  Everything about Jesus and the Father is mysterious and unexpected.

When we try and make Christianity a list of doctrines, principles and techniques for living we don’t diminish Christianity.  We diminish ourselves.  We need mystery.  We need something for which we search.

Jesus is where we search.  Once we have found Jesus as our Saviour it is only the beginning of discovering the mysterious love of the Father.

How we can be forgiven by the Father is perhaps the greatest of all mysteries Jesus solves for us, but from forgiveness we begin to uncover all the hidden things of the Father for us in Christ.

If your experience with the Father and  Jesus is not mysterious, then you missed the mystery that you need to keep you searching in Jesus for all the treasure the Father has given us.


Bud McCord
Abide International

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Spirituality and Attention

Spirituality and attention are forever linked. The focus of your attention will determine what controls and inspires you to behave as you do today.

In Psalm 1 the man who meditates on the law of the Lord (God's intentions) will live an abundant life and have success as a human being. The key is the continuous focus on what God wants with a desire to cooperate.

Do you have habits that keep your focus on what a God wants? Create some very simple habits that immediately focus you on Jesus.  Jesus is everything God wants for you and from you today!

As your day begins put your hand over your heart and say "Jesus, you are welcome here!".  During the day stop several times and say "Jesus, You are my life."
Whatever gets your attention gets you!  So simple yet so true.

Bud McCord
Abide International