Thursday, September 18, 2014

True Spirituality

"I am the true vine"

True spirituality is birthed into this world only in connection with its source which is the perfect life of Jesus Christ.  As surely as a true grape is proof of a living connection that existed with a real vine, so, too, the fruit of a truly spiritual person is proof of connection to Jesus, the True Vine.

There are so many spiritualities that claim to be true in our world yet they can never be.  Theyfail to carry within them the Holy DNA of the Spirit of Jesus. Whatever these human spiritualities may be and  no matter how many say they are the true, the test of them all will be proven connection to to the Holy DNA of  Jesus.

It may be hard for us to see the great gulf between all so called spiritualites and the true Spirituality of connection to Jesus. Even so the gulf will be made abundantly clear when Jesus is placed close to everything that He did not inspire.  On that day the missing DNA will be clear to even the blind.

Christ is us and connected eternally to our spirit is the source of all true spirituality.  If we would just come to Him in the inner sanctuary of our lives, we would finally begin to worship in spirit and in truth and His Holy Spirit would begin to send His precious grapes through our lives and out from us as love.

“Christ is all and is in all.” Col. 3:11

Bud McCord
Abide International

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.  But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.  God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
John 4:21-24

The one thing we must never do in our inner life is make Jesus less than what He is and less than what He can do.  If we do diminish Him in our spirit, mind, emotions and will,  we will never worship in spirit and in truth.  We must learn to continuously worship in spirit by attributing all worth to Jesus and worship in truth by continuously seeing Jesus for who He is as truth.

It is only when we see Jesus as ALL and we give Him worship as ALL that we become the kind of people God seeks. Every disciple should want to be easily found by God!

We would all do well to begin each day affirming that the presence of the Spirit of Christ within us is where ALL truth is and where ALL inspiration to love begins.  If we would simply rest  each day in ALL the worth He is and ALL the truth He is, we would begin our day in spirit and in truth.  Only then are we  where the God who seeks true worshippers can easily find us.

In this world all we see is not what it appears to be.  The world hides lies behind many masks and we are all easily fooled into attributing truth to lies.  To believe in all we see around us is to certainly begin our day in less instead of all.  To give worth (worship) to all we see around us is to certainly begin our day in the wrong spirit.  We would do well to remember that all the world rests in the wicked one but all disciples can rest in Jesus.

In every disciple Jesus is ALL he appears to be now and forever.  He wears no  masks, tells no lies and inspires only love.  God would have each of us worship Him by attributing to Him ALL and by seeing Jesus as ALL truth  from the moment we awaken each day.

Worship Him now in spirit and in truth.  God will always find this worship because He seeks it.

Bud McCord
Abide International

Tuesday, September 02, 2014


 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.Col. 2:6-7

When we receive Jesus we experience firsthand the grace of God.  At conversion we receive in Jesus all God has for us and all God demands of us.  The new convert is filled with the joy of receiving pure love from its true source.

Some conversions may not be as dramatic as others.  Perhaps the force of a some conversions is due to the depth of one’s hunger and thirst for true love.  No matter the force of one’s conversion the disciple of Jesus knows that love has arrived and is like living water to the interior life.

Each day should be a new experience with conversion.  We never move past conversion because it is from the same source that we drink each and every day.

Have you experienced the power of conversion today?

Bud McCord
Abide International