I was deeply touched by this e-mail from our sending pastor Russell Johnson. God is good and God is in control.
One of our Spanish men has been deployed in Afghanistan since early December. I received a note from him today telling me that they have put him in charge of the Spanish chapel service each week. The first week no one came, so he went back over our Men's prayer lists since 2004 and just watched how God had answered so many prayers, and those we still are praying for. The second week two guys showed up and they had a wonderful time in Luke 24. Here is the part that will bless you - Next week he is going to begin with "The Satisfying Life" We sent the DVDs and a book with him and he is going to begin sharing it with his Spanish speaking group. I'm not sure, but I don't believe that country was on your radar screen, but the vine keeps extending out!
Just thought you would want to know.
God is using each of lives to deliver fruit as we abide.
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