Thursday, October 09, 2008

Another Retreat

The Abide retreats continue to be our best method for having a great dialog about living moment by moment satisfied in the perfect presence of Jesus. Oct. 3-5 we had another great retreat.

One of the retreat participants was the president of the Angolan Baptist Churches from Angola, Africa. We have tentatively set late August for our first trip to Angola. Should be exciting!

To all of our abide supporters, this is your ministry, too. I can't wait for some of you to come to Brazil and join in a retreat with us. Some retreats are planned for the USA, too. We will keep you posted.

Notice the new deck that provides retreat participants to relax between teaching sessions. Abide supporters provided the funds. It works wonderfully.


Unknown said...

love the deck. Wow, Angola! Have fun.

bud mccord said...

Want to go?