As a part of the pastoral team of the First Baptist Church in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, I meet some of the world's finest Christian leaders. This weekend was no exception as we launched the P.E.A.C.E initiative across Brazil.
Rick Warren is famous for being able to simplify and mobilize. In the missions area Rick has done it again. He has made a very complex task as simple as the PEACE. P--Plant churches E-- Equip Leaders A--Assist the poor C--Care for the sick E--Educate the next generation.
This simple plan has mobilized hundreds of churches in the USA, India, Africa and now in Brazil.
To get this message and motivation clear here in Brazil we were privileged to hearfrom a pastor named Straton from Ruanda, AFrica and from the international director of PEACE, Mike Constantz and his co-worker Mark from the Saddleback church in California.
These are quality people! I was inspired.
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