Friday, December 26, 2008

A Clean Soul

It is hard to describe San Francisco. It is beautiful, complex, joyful, sad, warm and cold! It is a city where humanity in all of its shapes and conditions is clear to see. If you come to this city, bring your biggest and best love and pack your warm clothes!

On Christmas day here in the city it was very, very cold, windy and rainy. It made for a wonderful indoor Christmas but a shocking day for a walk.
This morning the sun is out and there cannot be a more beautiful city landscape that I have ever seen. Today San Francisco is clear and clean after a day of intense rain, wind and cold. All the very good things are clearly seen on a day like today. It is an easy day to have hope.

I think the rainy, cold and windy days of pain in our lives have the same effect on the landscape of our souls. When we go through days of intense wind, rain and cold in our inner lives, the cleanest and clearest days can follow.

No matter how deep our dark night of the soul is, the Son has not gone away. He is there. He always has the last and most beautiful word.

The landscape of a soul after deep suffering is often the most beautiful soul we will ever see. It is worth the wait to see the contrast just one day in the son can make.

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