Monday, August 04, 2008

Rick Warren

Rick Warren has had a tremendous influence in Brazil. His wonderful book "The Purpose Driven Life" has sold over 700,000 copies in Brazil. For a country where books struggle and people do not have great reading habits, 700,000 is huge.

More influential still is the pattern of church mobilization Rick has developed in his book "The Purpose Driven Church" which describes how to balance Worship, Fellowship, Service, Discipleship and Evangelism. The simplicity of the plan and Rick's warm style make the ideas easily adaptable in any culture. Over 3000 Brazilian churches follow these simple patterns with great success.

Being able to spend a couple of days with Rick and his team here in Brazil was truly a wonderful confirmation that he is the "real deal". He lives what he teaches. I was blessed and inspired by the simplicity and sincerity of this dear servant of God.

I have been around "Christian celebrities" before. (Should there even be such a joining of these two words "Christian" and "Celebrity"?) Rick is certainly a fine Christian. He is a very reluctant celebrity. It was good to see such a well known Christian leader make others feel like the celebrities.

I think God raises up people like Rick to challenge paradigms. He does that so well and with a huge hug and smile.

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